Top 20 Earners

ProfitClicking! (PC) and its related programs operate in accordance with United States Patent 6,578,010 (now public domain).
You Can Start with Just $10 and Turn It into a Fortune! With our Pay-It-Forward System You Get "$10 Free Money" to Get You Started at No Cost!

PC's Top 20 Earners

The table below shows the top 20 PC earners
cumulative account fundings and earnings since the program started.
*** The table is updated approximately once a day ***
PC's Top 20 Earners
Earn # Account Funding Active Ad packs # of Refs up to 2% Earnings Referral Bonuses Total Earnings
1 $206918.91 614 6 $820622.10 $70011.00 $890633.10
2 $166032.29 527 13 $747900.80 $46860.50 $794761.30
3 $14084.00 774 2 $382218.10 $138867.00 $521085.10
4 $35402.35 367 6 $429905.85 $32877.50 $462783.35
5 $20591.50 912 16 $317790.85 $106557.00 $424347.85
6 $15316.71 466 1 $320423.20 $64757.50 $385180.70
7 $128365.30 666 10 $335142.35 $43490.00 $378632.35
8 $56897.50 759 31 $262667.05 $112503.50 $375170.55
9 $19328.60 863 32 $265658.75 $71323.00 $336981.75
10 $16656.93 742 191 $218807.85 $97031.00 $315838.85
11 $21718.36 525 220 $202185.50 $112856.00 $315041.50
12 $27123.50 360 48 $221315.85 $92713.00 $314028.85
13 $66996.00 366 147 $296778.80 $11284.00 $308062.80
14 $16000.00 385 48 $235864.80 $69418.00 $305282.80
15 $54625.00 203 1 $266089.30 $2920.00 $269009.30
16 $14202.36 658 11 $187706.35 $79052.00 $266758.35
17 $22710.50 414 18 $203405.30 $47559.00 $250964.30
18 $62734.00 204 0 $245345.80 $0.00 $245345.80
19 $37546.60 928 31 $229858.65 $12933.00 $242791.65
20 $40818.66 628 2 $223009.60 $18573.00 $241582.60
Note: "# of Refs" = "Number of Referrals."

PC's Top 10 Promoters

The table below shows the top 10 PC promoters
cumulative promotion earnings (referral bonuses) since the program started.
*** The table is updated approximately once a day ***
PC's Top 10 Promoters
Promoter # # of Referrals Referral Earnings
1 1567 $160728.50
2 2 $138867.00
3 160 $132578.00
4 104 $126890.50
5 124 $113101.00
6 220 $112856.00
7 31 $112503.50
8 8 $109521.50
9 16 $106557.00
10 1 $105506.00
"The Big Breakthroughs that Became Game-Change Factors (GCFs)"
The concept of "Game-Change Factor" (GCF) is most important. If, in our efforts to earn money online, we can identify and apply one or more GCFs -- factors that have the potential to "change the game" -- we could reap much greater rewards for our efforts.
Consider a moneymaking program designed so that "Something Positive is Always Happening!" If on any given day members log into their accounts, they see that "something positive has happened," they tend to feel good. For example they've received "2% earnings." Or they've received referral bonuses.
With most money-promising programs, most members experience a great deal of disappointment and frustration. They log into their accounts and "nothing has changed"; they haven't earned anything since the previous time they logged in. They haven't received any "spillover." They may interpret this as "nothing is happening" or even "this program isn't working!"
It's conceivable that most people's brains are wired for instant gratification.
The instant gratification (with no "reasons for disappointment") provided by ProfitClicking could be a Game-Change Factor!

Even if you now have a "loser mindset," you can immediately start making money with Ad packages, despite your mindset. In ProfitClicking (which comprises of Ad packages) we provide you with the means to change your mindset to "winner!" But PC is so powerful that even with a loser mindset you can become a WINNER!
JustBeenPaid!The biggest Game-Change Factor is that ProfitClicking (AD packages, PC panels, and Traffic Exchange,) is indefinitely sustainable! There have been many high-return programs (particularly HYIPs and AutoSurfs) that have provided instant gratification... while they lasted. However, as far as I know, all these programs have been unsustainable. When they fail, members typically lose all the money they have left in them.

1 comment:

  1. PC is SCAM...

    join the best program..
    better than PC
